NEW: SATURDAY OR SUNDAY FLIGHTS depending upon the cabin you are assigned.

Hello and thank you for planning on visiting Zachar Bay Lodge during the fall of 2025.  We have been providing the primary transportation to ZBL since 2016 with our DeHavilland Beaver.  The past few seasons, we have been faced with a few hurdles (weather, scheduling order, cancellations/no-shows and Alaska Airlines) that has put us in a position to re-evaluate our scheduling and pricing strategy.



Accepting and scheduling reservations starting January 1


Requiring a non-refundable prepayment of 30% transportation fee (you choose service level below)


Pre-Payment can be transferred to another person during same time, but not applied to another trip. .  i.e – you need to find a replacement otherwise you will forefeit the prepayment.


Choose Service Level - Prices Per Person (Only available for scheduling Saturday):


PRIORITY (per person):  $460 ONE WAY.  $1.75 per pound extra over 300# total weight

GENERAL (per person):  $360 ONE WAY.  $1.35 per pound extra over 300# total weight


What’s the differences and how should you choose?  Most of you know that I am one person, with one aircraft and sometimes have to make 4 to 5 flights to get everyone to/from the Lodge.  There is not always enough time to get everyone moved with weather/daylight to catch the Alaska Airlines flight.  If you are willing to schedule and pay for “Priority”, that is exactly what we will try to do – put you on the first or second flight, and the order will be determined by the order Pre-Payments are received.  If there appears to be a high demand for “Priority”, I will try to schedule other Flying Services once my first two flights are filled – if there is no availability for “Priority” I will let you know.  Weather can always be an issue in Kodiak.


Flights scheduled on days other than your turnover day:
$1650 Beaver:  up to 1200# people + gear
$1100 Bush Hawk: up to 800# people + gear (not available after freeze-up)


Other Flying Services:  If you prefer to utilize another flying service, please let Kingfisher and Zachar Bay Lodge know so we can plan accordingly.  We are able to offer our per person rates with the anticipation of providing service to all the customers. 


Ground Transport:
Courtesy van transport from hotels to Kingfisher/Aircraft prior to flight
Transportation to Kodiak Airport 2 hours prior to Alaska Flight    
Storage of Hard Gun Cases / extra gear at our office

            *Any other ground transport will be offered at our discretion.  Kodiak offers several taxi   
cab services and rental car services.



Please complete the reservation request form for the people YOU are paying for in your group. If paying separate, please have other people in your groups complete the form on their own.

If you have any problems with completing the following form, or need special dates, email or call : 1 (907)486-5155

Upon completing the form, we will review it and send you a square invoice to pay.


Please enter your contact information below: