What to Bring
Compiled is a common list of how to prepare and a suggested list of items to bring. Keep in mind that Kingfisher has available and provides hip boots, rain jackets, bug head nets/repellent, bear defense (spray/air horns/firearm to be used by the guide) Our guide carries a first-aid kit, satellite telephone and bottled water for the clients.
“What should I bring?”
Point & shoot cameras work fine to capture scenery, but if you want close up shots you should plan on bringing a camera with a zoom lens. The most typical and recommended is the 75-300mm zoom lens. Batteries (spare or fully charged) Extra Film / Memory Cards / Videotape
A typical Kodiak summer day the temperature tends to be in the mid 50’s. Rain & wind can make a 50-degree day feel like 35 or 40 degrees, so it is important to dress in layers. Also, the high temperatures in the summer can reach up to 75 degrees. It is best to dress in layers, so that you can be adaptable to changes in weather, and more comfortable during the hiking portion of the trip.
Rain Jacket
Hiking Shoes (Frazer Lake Trips)
-Medications / Prescriptions you might need
If you have brought a firearm or bear (pepper) spray on your trip to Kodiak, we require that you leave it in Kodiak city and DO NOT take it on the bear tour. Our guides are experienced with being around Kodiak Brown Bears and the necessary precautions needed to keep everyone safe (including the bears). Our guides carry air horns, pepper spray and or a rifle on all tours.
"Had a great time with Kingfisher Aviation. Good pilots and great bear viewing guides! Hope to get back to Kodiak so we can do it again!!!"
~Tadams802 / read full review on tripadvisor.com